LEGO Designers
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LEGO Designers
Good day community!
I was leafing through the Brickset homepage today and came across a link to the Bricklists from LEGO Designers.
These lists (which seem created by the Designers themselves) list the various sets they've worked on / designed while working at the company. Not all designers are listed, but it's a nice history to be able to flip through. In doing so, you might realize that you've really enjoyed the work of one particular designer based on the sets you've collected!
I for one feel there should be, essentially, credits within the instruction manuals for each set listing the designer, etc.
I was leafing through the Brickset homepage today and came across a link to the Bricklists from LEGO Designers.
These lists (which seem created by the Designers themselves) list the various sets they've worked on / designed while working at the company. Not all designers are listed, but it's a nice history to be able to flip through. In doing so, you might realize that you've really enjoyed the work of one particular designer based on the sets you've collected!
I for one feel there should be, essentially, credits within the instruction manuals for each set listing the designer, etc.
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